41 Common Boilerplate Clauses in Contracts & Agreements: Legal Meaning and Effects (why include them, or not)

Boilerplate contract clauses are types or classes of contract provisions commonly found in contracts.

They may look the same if you're unfamiliar with them.

Slight differences in wording can make all the difference in the legal meaning and legal effect in a contract.

They're usually inserted at the end of a commercial contract. But they can appear anywhere in a contract.

Are Boilerplate Clauses Standard?


Are they standard provisions of a contract?

Boilerplate clauses are often referred to as “standard” clauses, and a bit boring.

They’re not, if you want the contract to do what you intend it do and have the legal effect that you want it to have.

The only way boilerplate clauses are standard, is that it's a common practice to include clauses of that description, especially in business contracts.

Like all contract clauses, boilerplate clauses are interpreted using the precise words used in the clause.

Although some boilerplate clauses may look the same, they can have a significantly different legal effect.

One word in the right place is all it takes to completely change the legal meaning. Like use of the word "not", or removing it where you'd ordinarily expect to see it.

When it comes to interpretation of contracts, it’s not what the parties might have intended the boilerplate clause to mean.

It’s what a reasonable reader of the contract would give it that counts. This is consistent with the well-entrenched principles of interpretation of contracts:

Does a Contract really need Boilerplate clauses?


There's no legal requirement to include boilerplate clauses in commercial contracts. Contracts can operate perfectly well without them. Trainee solicitors know the real value in boilerplate clauses is increasing contractual certainty.

Whether it’s appropriate to include any one (or another) boilerplate clause will depend upon the contract and what you're trying to do in the contract.

Then it's a matter of making sure the wording of the clause is suitable.

Small changes in wording to a standard boilerplate clauses can make a dramatic difference to the legal effect of the contract, as you can see from the list of examples below.

And then rarely will every boilerplate clause be required for a commercial or business contract. Often it won’t make sense to include all of them.

In some cases, boilerplate clauses remove legal rights which a party would expect to have.

Knowing what they do changes the way you read contracts to work out things such as:

They establish legal relationships in contracts with more certainty, whether for or against you.

Boilerplate clauses often appear at the end of a contract, but they don’t have to. They could be anywhere in the contract, come disguised or embedded in a long tract of text and easy to miss.

Boilerplate Clause Meanings


Here are the meaning of boilerplate contract clauses and what they're intended to do:

Boilerplate Contracts

Boilerplate contracts and agreements on the other hand are pre-prepared contracts. You might call them templates.

They’re not standard terms of contract or business.

Boilerplate contracts are prepared to serve as a starting point for preparation of contract for a specific transaction. They’re edited before they’re ready for use.

That’s because very rarely are two contracts the same. Even standard terms may be prepared from a boilerplate agreement.

Boilerplate contracts are a bit like stock photography: made to meet the most popular market requirements of contracts of that sort, to sell as many as possible.

The leading providers give warnings and legal disclaimers in their own terms of business. You use them at your own risk. If something goes wrong, it's not their problem.

Boilerplate clauses on the other hand are clauses which serve as a general starting point to be used in a contract.

With many of them, it can be risky editing them without knowing what the legal effect is without knowing the reason why they’re there in the first place.

Legal Effect of Boilerplate Contract Clauses

Boilerplate clauses may have one or more purposes or effects, such as: