Medical Equipment Business Plans

NovOculi is a start-up company with plans to develop and market a less-invasive eye surgery method and tools.

Hearing Testing Systems Business Plan

Auris Solutions markets a rapid and reliable computerized hearing testing system.

Lift Bed Manufacturer Business Plan

Load Hog is an established manufacturer of aftermarket parts for pickup trucks and light-duty trailers.

Medicine Dispenser Business Plan

Sunapto will design and market an automated pill dispensing unit to assist in home healthcare medication compliance.

Medical Equipment - Supplies Business Plan

Zenergy Medical Industries will sell therapy systems for residents of Homecare and Assisted Living Facilities with X disease.

Medical Equipment Business Plan

MedNexis, Inc. is a start-up medical device company that has designed and patented devices to aid in atrophy treatment/prevention.

Medical Equipment Developer Business Plan

Medquip, Inc. is a start-up business that will develop and market endoscopic medical devices through multiple distribution channels, both foreign and domestic.

Sports Medical Equipment Business Plan

Professional Athletic Equipment, Inc. is a start-up company that will manufacture and market a protective device for young athletes.

Surgical Medical Equipment Business Plan

Bioring SA, is a manufacturer of heart valve surgical replacement parts.

Voice Recognition Software Business Plan

Voice Control, Inc. was created to provide a solution to orthopedic surgeons. Specifically, the solution deals with the input of patient data into a medical records database.

There will always be a need for medical equipment, so starting a business supplying it can be a great idea. An even better idea is writing a business plan! Here are some sample business plans for medical equipment businesses to get you started.