Medical Malpractice Insurance in North Carolina

In recent years, medical malpractice rates have stabilized and claims frequency has decreased in the state of North Carolina. North Carolina also offers a simpler means of settling medical malpractice disputes by using different forms of alternative dispute resolution. A $1 million cap on total damages during medical malpractice liability claims, known as the Voluntary Arbitration of Health Care Claims Act, was passed in North Carolina in 2007. This allows for both parties to agree to resolve their dispute through arbitration. Thus, creating a system to resolve claims in a quicker and less expensive manner. In order for physicians in North Carolina to be sufficiently protected if a claim were to arise, it is important for them to purchase medical professional liability insurance.

As a physician, the best way to protect yourself from medical malpractice lawsuits is to purchase the best medical malpractice insurance that North Carolina offers. You must consider your options carefully. Research various coverage packages and ask your colleagues for recommendations. MedMal Direct is a licensed medical malpractice insurance company and specializes in medical professional liability policies for North Carolina physicians.

MedMal Direct offers some of the best, most comprehensive medical malpractice insurance available to physicians in North Carolina, in addition to relevant and valuable policyholder benefits and exceptional customer service. To learn more about our medical malpractice coverage or to obtain a quote, please contact MedMal Direct's North Carolina medical malpractice insurance representative below.