Dylan Matthews is a senior correspondent and head writer for Vox’s Future Perfect section and has worked at Vox since 2014. He is particularly interested in global health and pandemic prevention, anti-poverty efforts, economic policy and theory, and conflicts about the right way to do philanthropy.
This is not exactly a secret. He rose to political prominence by claiming the first black president wasn’t really American but Kenyan. He launched his presidential campaign by calling Mexican immigrants to the US “rapists,” and doubled down when criticized. His most famous proposal is a total moratorium on Muslim entry to the United States.
But a report from the New York Times’s Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey has shone a light on a less examined side of Trump’s bigotry: his long, persistent hatred and mistreatment of women. Former New Republic editor Franklin Foer has described misogyny as Trump’s “one core belief.” He’s not wrong.
The accusations in the Times’s exposé — some denied by Trump, some not — are damning:
After the piece came out, one woman featured, Rowanne Brewer Lane, objected to her portrayal. But even without her story, it’s a horrifying portrait of Trump. Much of the worst behavior recounted in the piece has been public for years. Prejean documented the incident mentioned above in her 2009 memoir Still Standing.
In a 1996 deposition, pageant producer Jill Harth recalled a 1993 business meeting with Trump and her then-boyfriend, George Houraney, at which Trump declared his intention to sleep with Harth, and proceeded to grope her under the table at dinner. Harth’s suit against Trump further alleged that Trump tried to corner her in his daughter’s bedroom:
The defendant (Trump) over the plaintiff’s objections forcibly prevented plaintiff from leaving and forcibly removed plaintiff to a bedroom, whereupon defendant (Trump) subjected plaintiff to defendant’s unwanted sexual advances, which included touching of plaintiff’s private parts in an act constituting attempted “rape.”
The Times piece also touches on the rape accusation Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump made in a deposition. While Ivana has since rescinded the accusation and called it “totally without merit,” her original charge, as explained by the Daily Beast’s Tim Mak and Brandy Zadrozny based on journalist Harry Hurt III’s 1993 book about Trump, was disturbing:
Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.
“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”
Foer highlights more of Trump’s sexist private conduct. Trump once left a voicemail for conservative journalist Tucker Carlson, saying: “It’s true you have better hair than I do. But I get more pussy than you do.”
.@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 28, 2012
And we haven’t even gotten to Trump’s comments during this presidential cycle. When Fox News’s Megyn Kelly confronted him on his sexist comments, he laughed them off, saying to the applause of the audience that he only insulted Rosie O’Donnell, and declaring, “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct.”
After the debate, he turned on Kelly, telling CNN, “She gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her . wherever.” He retweeted someone calling her a bimbo:
"@timjcam: @megynkelly @FrankLuntz @realDonaldTrump Fox viewers give low marks to bimbo @MegynKelly will consider other programs!"
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 7, 2015
And there are certainly plenty more instances of Trump misogyny the above list misses.
You can nitpick this or that item on the list. You can point to other parts of Trump’s record to claim he sometimes support women. But to deny the sheer volume of evidence that Trump has systematically attacked, belittled, dismissed, and otherwise mistreated women in classically misogynistic ways, you have to ignore reams and reams of evidence. He is, at heart, a virulent sexist.
Much commentary on Trump’s candidacy has focused on his invocation of white nationalist rhetoric to demonize Mexican Americans and Muslim Americans, in a way that has cheered avowed white supremacists and drawn comparisons to right-wing European populists like Pim Fortuyn or Geert Wilders.
Given that the defining question of American politics, since our founding, has been whether to continue and how to dismantle discrimination against racial minorities, this is an entirely reasonable point to consider. Trump is bringing back open white racial resentment in a way not seen since the George Wallace campaign of 1968. That’s alarming and notable.
But bigotries feed off each other. One 2006 study by Allison C. Aosved and Patricia J. Long tested about 1,000 college students on a number of attitude scales, including ones for sexism and racism, and found that the two were strongly correlated with each other. “Each of these intolerant belief systems was strongly correlated with the other belief systems,” they write, with modern sexism and modern racism particularly closely linked.
It goes deeper than a simple correlation. Harvard psychologist Jim Sidanius and the University of Connecticut’s Felicia Pratto have developed a school of thought known as “social dominance theory,“ which holds that racism, sexism, homophobia, and the like are all particularized cases of a general inclination toward dominance and hierarchy. They’ve found considerable evidence that support for social dominance is correlated with a wide range of prejudices, not just now but in the future — suggesting an underlying desire for dominance can both fuel and be fueled by specific prejudices against women, minorities, etc.
One influential 1995 paper by Penn State psychologist Janet Swim and her co-authors Kathryn Aikin, Wayne Hall, and Barbara Hunter found that modern sexism and racism share a structure: “Like modern racism, modern sexism is characterized by the denial of continued discrimination, antagonism toward women’s demands, and lack of support for policies designed to help women (for example, in education and work).”
Sometimes Trump’s misogyny is passed off as a fun quirk, a sign of his peculiar over-the-top persona. “People talk, ‘oh your father’s a misogynist look what he said about women,’ like, on Howard Stern,” his son, Donald Trump Jr., has griped. “When he gets with Howard Stern, who’s a friend of his, he’ll joke around, because it’s a comedy show. He’s allowed to have a personality. He will.”
But this is not Trump “having a personality” or “joking around.” It’s time to start treating his comments about women with the seriousness and gravity that his comments about race have, quite correctly, received. When Trump says he wants to keep Muslims out of the country, it’s not a funny goof. When he says it’s important to treat women like shit, it’s not a funny goof either.