by Gary Leff on March 9, 2014
Cathay Pacific is strange (though not unique among Asian airlines, see also ‘Asiana’) in blocking many of the seats in their first class cabin.
With only 6 seats in their first class cabin on the 777 though that can be frustrating. It makes it tough to assign seats together (as if such a thing exists on this aircraft) when traveling together.
In addition, Cathay Pacific will only assign seats 6 months in advance on its website, through airline partners, or if you call the US call center.
But you can assign any seats you wish if you call Hong Kong. And they will do so more than 6 months in advance.
That’s useful for getting first class seats together, or getting your preferred first class seats.
It’s also useful as a business class passenger, because on a 777 offering first class (4 class 777, “77H”) what you want is the forward mini cabin — rows 11 and 12, and really row 11. (The middle seats if traveling as a couple, the window seats if traveling solo.)
It’s a little more complicated picking seats for first class.
I explained this back in September but having just walked through the process again I thought I’d share my experience, in part as catharsis because of the long telephone hold times involved.